Friday, July 24, 2015



What is Google Adsense ?
It is a program that you can participate in that lets you put small ads on your webpage, when somone clicks on one of the ads you get some money, the ads are relevant to the content on your website, if your website is about painting cars you might get ads about car paint or books on how to paint cars, google will scan your site and pick up on your content.

What does it cost me ?
Nothing, the program is free.

Do I have to live in the USA to join ? 

What should I have before I apply for adsense ?
A working website, not one that is under construction, good content, lets say if I search for how to paint a car, I want to get info on how to do just that and not go off on ten other things with little info and a lot of ads, have at least three to five good articles and some useful links, If you only have one page right now with good content that should be ok, If you get turned down add some pages with content and apply again, remember to try to stick to one topic, that way when google scans your page the ads will be relevant to your site topic.

How much money can I make with adsense ?
It all depends on how much the advertiser pays, It could be ten cents or ten dollars per click, the range is wide and pay's different on all topics, If you have a popular site and a lot of people are clicking the ads you could make hundreds of dollars a day.

Are you ready ?
If you have a site up and running and want to apply for adsense lets do it.

Step-by-Step Guide to Inserting Google Ads

  1. Click "AdSense Setup" in your Google AdSense account. In the page that loads, click "AdSense for Content". From there, you will be led through a series of steps to choose the type of advertisement and customise its size and colours. These options allow you to modify the appearance of the advert so that it blends nicely into your site's design.
    When you have finished customizing, click "Submit and Get Code". AdSense will then give you some HTML code to cut and paste into your web page. Click anywhere inside the box containing the code. The code will be automatically selected. Click your right mouse button and select "Copy" from the menu that appears. This puts the code into your clipboard, so that you can paste into your website in KompoZer.
  2. Run KompoZer if you have not already done so. Open the web page where you want to insert the advertisement.
    Choose a place on your page where the ad is to be inserted. Google does not restrict you on the placement of the ad, so you can put it anywhere you like. Some common places where ads are placed include the top, bottom and side panel of a web page. In general, adverts placed in prominent places (such as those embedded in the middle of an article) tend to attract more attention, and thus earn better.
    I should warn you, however, that "in your face" advertisements, where the adverts have placements that force your visitors to look at them, are also very irritating to many people. For this reason, even though they get better results, I don't use them on You should also weigh the benefits of increased income against the cost of aggravating your visitors when deciding. As a matter of personal pride, I prefer to give my readers a pleasant learning environment rather than bombarding them with ads, but it all depends on your priorities/goals.
    Another thing to watch out for is that Google limits the number of AdSense "units" you can place on a page. Read the Terms of Service for the exact number. Regardless of the number though, it's best not to load your page with too many ad units. If there are too many, your website may look cheap, even if your content is actually of very high quality. (There is no hard and fast rule here. Just check your web page in your browser when you've finished, and try to be impartial when judging your own page.)
  3. Once you have decided on the ad placement, click the spot on the page where the advertisement is to be shown. The blinking text cursor should appear in that spot. Next, click the "Insert" menu followed by the "HTML..." item on the menu that appears.
  4. In the dialog box that is shown, paste the code you copied from Google into the empty space. This can be done by clicking the right mouse button somewhere in the space and selecting "Paste" from the menu that pops up. Your AdSense code will appear in the box. Click the "Insert" button to dismiss the dialog box.
  5. KompoZer does not actually display the advertisement, but indicates you that you have successfully inserted the code by showing one or more yellow "Script" tags in the location where the ad will appear in your real website.
    If you want to insert more than one ad unit into your page, repeat the procedure I provided above. Once you've finished, publish the web page to your site in your usual way.
  6. After your page has been published (uploaded), you will need to test it. Start your web browser and surf to the page on your website. Important: in order to see your advertisement, you need to be checking your "live" page on your website, and not the local copy on your own computer.
  7. If the ad does not appear at first, wait a while and then reload the page and the advertisements should appear. The slowness of the advertisement to show up on your website is generally a one-time thing. The first time Google encounters a new page, it sends its "bot" (computer program) to retrieve a copy of that page. From that copy, it tries to determine what your web page is about, so that it can deliver advertisements that may be relevant to people seeing such content.

Ad placement on page

If you have checked the heat map you will see that the best places for the ads to be are the middle center and the left upper part of the page, we read left to right and a person will go that part of the page most of the time, try to make the ads blend in with the color and text of the page, in other words if the background of the page is white don't make the ad background red or something, it would be better a white background, there is a thing called ad blindness, what this means is that a person sees the ad and knows it's an ad and skips over it, or the colors of the ad do not agree with the persons likes and it will be ignored, If you have an ad box in the main text body area try to make the text rap around the ad and blend in with the content or text, also put an ad at the bottom or end of the main text content so people will have somewhere to go when they are done if they like.

make money with wdsense best ways. 

As I said above, there are some people who make hundreds of thousands of dollars per month from AdSense and there are some who make just a few dollars.
The difference between these two people is about more than just traffic – although that’s part of it. There are websites that receive thousands of visitors every day and may only receive $5 in AdSense revenue by the end of the day. Another website might be able to convert that same traffic into more than $100 of daily AdSense revenue.
You will make more money from AdSense if your website features keywords from a competitive niche.
Advertisers will pay a lot more money for a search keyword like “best lawyer in Los Angeles” than they would for “best free solitaire game online.” While the first keyword might be worth $3 per click, the other keyword may only be worth pennies.
One click on a high-value advertisement may be worth hundreds of clicks on a low-value advertisement.
With that in mind, there are two broad ways to make a lot of money on Google AdSense:

  • Get a few clicks on high-value advertisements
  • Get a lot of clicks on low-value advertisements

When you read other AdSense guides around the internet, they often toss around 5 figure numbers like they’re nothing. They make it sound like every half-decent AdSense publisher is making $10,000 per month while sitting at their computer playing video games all day.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but most publishers will never make $10,000 per month.
Don’t let that discourage you! But you need to be realistic. If there was an easy way for anybody to sit at their computer making 5 figures, then everybody would be doing it.
Making a lot of money with AdSense takes creativity, intelligence, and, most importantly, a dedication to hard work.
If you have all three of those things, then there’s no reason why you can’t make a lot of money with Google AdSense.

how to build website for adsense.

So you want to build a website and make money with Google AdSense.
One of the best tips any new AdSense user can get when building a new website is to build websites based on topics they’re interested in. Building a website about a topic you know and like is significantly easier than building a website on a foreign and confusing subject.
  • You don’t have to spend as much time researching
  • You get to enjoy your work
  • You can carve out a niche and become a well-respected authority website
There are dozens of other good reasons, but those are the most important ones. The more you know about a topic, the more content you can write. The more content and traffic your website has, the more AdSense revenue you can earn.
Building a website isn’t nearly as hard as many people think. Ten years ago, you may have required in-depth knowledge of FTP, HTML, Java, and other web development topics. Today, even someone who can barely send an email should be able to create a website in under an hour.
Here are the basic steps to building a website with AdSense:
      Step 1) Buy a domain
      Step 2) Sign up for a web host
      Step 3) Build your site’s content, pages, etc.
      Step 4) Sign up for AdSense and post advertisements on your site using a plugin or coding
There are a number of ways to simplify each step. Many web hosting companies give new users a free domain upon signup, for example, which means you can skip step 1 and go straight for step 2.
Furthermore, Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress have made the content-producing side of things ridiculously simple. WordPress is the most popular CMS out there today, which is why most web hosts offer one-click installation of WordPress on all hosting accounts.
Unless you know web development coding languages, then you should use WordPress or the CMS of your choice to build your website.
WordPress is a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) platform. When you create a new page or new blog post, editing the content is extremely easy because everything you see on screen is what is going to be displayed on the page. If you’ve used programs like Microsoft Word before, then you won’t have any problem building an awesome website using WordPress.
Being a successful AdSense publisher doesn’t mean you need to know any coding languages or have in-depth knowledge about web development. Thanks to new online tools, building a website has never been easier than it is today.
Many of the world’s most successful AdSense publishers have never written a line of code in their lives.

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