Wednesday, January 27, 2016

protect facebook from hacking

1. Create Strong Password

Chances are, you already have your password created for Facebook however it is advisable for you to make sure your Facebook password is one of a kind and different from your other online accounts e.g. email, blog, hosting etc.
To change your password, go to Account Settings > General > Password.
The best passwords would have the combination of small and capital letters, numbers and symbols.

2. Confirm your mobile number

Confirming your mobile number is one of many ways to enhance your account security on Facebook. This way, even when you lose or forget your password, Facebook will be able to send you a new one via SMS.
To add your mobile number, go to Account Settings > Mobile and click on Add a Phone.
Add mobile
Select your country and set the mobile carrier before clicking Next.
add acrrier
Now you will be given an instruction to send an SMS to the given number. Follow the instructions to get a code via SMS, and then enter the code into the column. You also have the option to Share your number with friends on Facebook and Allow friends to text me from Facebook. Select your preferences and click Next.
add mobile: code
Now your mobile phone is registered with Facebook, and when the need arises, this connection will be useful to reactivate your Facebook account.

3. Activate Secure browsing, Now

Among other things, to make sure your browsing activity within Facebook is safe, you can turn on the Secure browsing option. By doing this, you automatically limit all external applications that are integrated with Facebook from doing any harm or taking your personal information without your knowledge or approval.
To start securing your account, click on the drop down menu from the top right corner of your Facebook account and go to Account Settings.
Account Settings
Select Security from the left menu.
At the Secure Browsing section, click on the Edit link at the right.
Secure browsing
The option panel will appear, ‘check’ the box Browse Facebook on a secure connection then click on the Save Changes button.
Security Settings

4. Activate ‘Login Approvals’

Login approvals is an extended security feature offered by Facebook, and it will require you to enter a security code each time you try to access your Facebook account from unrecognized devices. To activate Login Approvals, go to Account Settings > Security, look for Login Approvals and click on the Edit button.
Login Approvals
An option to activate Login Approvals will appear, tick the check box to activate.
Activate login approvals
A popup window will appear with descriptions of login approvals, click on the Set Up Now button to continue.
Setup Now
If you already register your mobile number, Facebook will automatically send you a code via SMS. Enter this code in the given box and click Submit Code.
enter code
Now you have completed with Login Approvals request, click Next to continue.
Next, Facebook will offer you to setup a Code Generator from your mobile phone; this is useful in case you are unable to receive SMS. Click Continue.
Code generator

Code Generator for Android phones

Since I am using an Android phone, I’ll use the Android activation as an example.
Download the Facebook Mobile App from Google Play if you don’t already have it. After downloading it to your mobile, click Next.
Code generator app
Once downloaded, Facebook will provide instructions to install the Code Generator. To install, launch your Facebook App, tap on menu > Account > Code Generator > Add App. Then click on Finish Setup below.
Code generator setup
Now that your Code Generator is active, Facebook will guide you with the correct steps to use the code generator. Next time when you want to generate a new code, simply launch your app, tap on Account > Code Generator and the code will appear. For now, click Close as you have completed the steps to activate your Login Approvals.

Code generator guide

let see another 4 ways

1.Do not click on any untrusted link:

First and many important thing Do not click on any untrusted link Because almost everyone knows phishing.Phishing is a trick to hack Facebook account.In this method someone creates a website and upload some phishing files on that website.
Then he post a link or send you a message saying: How to lose weight etc.When you click on that link.You will see a Facebook page asking to login into Facebook and read article.You will enter your Facebook id and password.When you enter your id and password and click login or hit enter.Your given details are saved in a file like Facebook.txt on the website's file manager.So don't click on any link.

2.Account's information:

To prevent your Facebook account from hacking change your password daily. Always use a strong password.To use a strong password just follow these tips.
Use a minimum 10 digits password.
Use a capital letter.
Use almost 1 digit.
Use a special letter (&,%,* etc).
Using of a strong password is important because if you choose a weak password someone can easily hack your account using brute force attack.So please choose a strong password.
Use privacy for your mobile number,email address and other things like that.Check that no one can see your email address.Because I know hacking of Facebook.Someone can hack your account easily with your email address.

3.Don't download and install any untrusted app:

Suppose that your friend sends you a link and ask to download that app like bomb game.rar,tom picture etc.Don't open that file without scanning that file.Just scan that file with any antivirus and if that file is a malicious program like Virus,rat and key logger etc do not open that file.If you open that file someone can easily view your computer logs, if it is a key logger file someone can easily view your ids and password.Always use an anti-virus program and update it every day.You can download Avast! free antivirus or AVG free anti-virus for free.

4. Keep your password secret:

Don't tell your password to any one.If someone use social engineering like (what type of password do you have digits only or alphabets only). If you tell him that your password consists only digits.He will use brute force attack and your password very easily.If a 3rd party software or website ask you to enter your Facebook id and password.Don't enter your id or password.

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